“Can I get a big fat burrito and don’t hold the special sauce?” She asked just before a torrent of hot goo plastered her face, hair, breasts and everything else around her.
That is the kind of hi-jinks you can expect from the guys at Max Jizz. Their tube is filled with awesome bukkake jizz videos that nobody else has. The movies range from several minutes to just under an hour in length. Video quality varies because some of the videos are created by the top porn production houses and others are shot by total amateurs having fun with bukkake.
You don’t need an account to watch the videos. You can do that for free. In order to interact with the site or upload you do need an account, but those are free. It only takes a minute to create one and validate your Email address. After doing so you obtain upload privileges and the ability to comment on the videos. Members can also add videos to their favorites so you don’t need to search the site each time you come back. This makes it a great place to go in order to rub one out real quick!
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